How To Enroll (Full-Time)

Lottery Process

For each enrollment period, if there are more applications for admission in any grade than available openings in that grade, UTVA will conduct a lottery to determine which students will be admitted to the school. The lottery will be conducted electronically, and accepted students will be notified via email or telephone. Consistent with Utah Code § 53G-6-502, students will receive preference in the school’s lottery in the following order: a child or grandchild of an individual who has actively participated in the development of the school; a sibling of an individual who was previously or is presently enrolled in the school; a child of an employee of the school; and students who reside within the school district in which the school is located, the municipality in which the school is located, or a two-mile radius of the school. The school will not give preference to any student and will not make any enrollment decision on any basis prohibited by state or federal law, including federal civil rights laws and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (“IDEA”). Specifically, the school will not request any student data of applicants other than their name, grade level, and parent contact information prior to the lottery. UTVA’s lottery will be held in January or February of each year, with additional lotteries periodically held as needed until the desired enrollment numbers are reached. The school may, at the discretion of the executive director, continue to enroll students from the lottery throughout the school year to fill spots left open when students withdraw.